Strengthening Your Relationship: The Benefits of Marriage Counseling with The Counseling Hub in Jefferson City, Missouri
One of the primary benefits of marriage counseling is improved communication. Many couples struggle with expressing their thoughts and feelings in a constructive way, which can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and resentment. Worse than that, these hurts can build up over time and, if left unaddressed, wreak havoc on the satisfaction and health of the people within the relationship.

Online Counseling for Infidelity
Many people fall into one small problem: showing up to a counselor’s office isn’t an option right now, for whatever reason. Maybe you or your partner travel for work and are gone for most weeks out of the year. It could be possible you can only do late evenings or weekends and the office building is locked down at that time. Maybe you have children and it’s not possible to drive into the office or there is no one to come to the house to watch the kids. For the most common right now, maybe there is a global pandemic occurring and counselors are only seeing clients via telehealth. Whatever it may be, you can still do the work. You can still reap the benefits of in person therapy during this difficult time from the comfort of your own home/office/hotel/wherever.

Online Counseling for Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling
Online couples therapy and marriage counseling, in particular, looks different than individual online counseling, though. If you want a way more detailed version, you might be more interested to read this overview of what you can expect from couples therapy work, but I’ll still hit the highlights for you right here.
Here are a few things you can expect from online couples therapy and marriage counseling:

How to Handle Someone Not Listening
Ever leave a conversation with your partner feeling not listened to? What about feeling defeated? Pissed? Misunderstood? If you have walked away from a conversation feeling like nothing you said mattered, that feels terrible! We all have been the one feeling defeated and the one who’s not showing off their good listening skills. Either way, there are some things you can do to improve the chances of being listened to. Keep in mind, that just because you’re choosing to try to be an effective communicator doesn’t mean that the other person will be a good listener. The goal here is to try to be as clear and intentional about your message in a specific way which will likely lead to being listened to. Hopefully, whoever you’re talking to will be able to follow suit and both of you will feel heard, understood, and respected.

What is Premarital Counseling Like?
Premarital counseling is one of the many services offered by our team at The Counseling Hub! As you may know, we specialize in individual counseling and couples therapy or marriage counseling. Premarital work definitely falls under the couples therapy or marriage counseling umbrella, but it’s slightly unique than other types of couples work that we do, and here’s why.

Antidotes to the Four Horsemen
Hallelujah, am I right?! You didn’t think that I’d leave you in the lurch, did you?!
Pfffft! C’mon now, you should know me better than that at this point!

Contempt - Horsemen 4/4
In marriage therapy terms, we see contempt as a moral superiority over one's partner. Basically, if you're contemptuous, you see yourself as better than your partner and as having the 'moral' high ground…

Stonewalling - Horsemen 3/4
And it’s on to the next one. Stonewalling, my friends. This is the third horseman of the four. This one is pretty interesting, though, in that there’s some physiology that’s at play.
This is the long and short of what happens.
Partners A and B start having a discussion with heart rates around 70 beats per minute (average). It shifts into a conflict discussion/argument/disagreement. Partner A’s heart rate jumps to 80 beats per minute the second the conversation heats up. Partner B’s heart rate has gone up to about 74.