Your chosen family are the ones you put as your emergency contact when you fill out paperwork because you know your mom would flip. It’s the sister you always wanted, the brother who loves you as you are, or simply a close friend.
Where is the Love: LGBTQ+ Stigma, Hatred, and Violence
Have you ever thought what it would be like to not be accepted for who you are? Have you had someone give you funny looks as you kiss your loved one? Sometimes, people wonder if that is because people were never taught any differently, or because they have hatred in their heart. I am here to tell you it can be for numerous reasons and not just the two above.
PFLAG: The Parent's Process
Wow. This is hard. Or maybe it’s not. But, it’s probably hard. If your child has recently come out as identifying on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, you might have said this is hard to yourself. Although we desire our children to grow up and live the way that feels right for them, we also create certain aspirations for them.
The "Coming out" process
Demystifying the Process: What to Do With Bad Therapy
It might be shocking to read (and hard to admit), but there are some therapists that won’t be a good fit for you or the right counselor for what you need. There might even be some therapist who you think do “bad therapy!”