When We Disagree On Parenting Styles

When We Disagree On Parenting Styles

Let’s face it: kids are both wonderful and enlightening little humans.  Their arrival into the world can bring chaos, crying, and sleepless nights; but also insight and perspective.  They say that one of the most challenging stressors in a relationship is having a child.  This may sound like a “well duh!” statement, but it’s easy to forget when its your own child. 

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8 Reasons Counseling is Not the Same as Friendship

8 Reasons Counseling is Not the Same as Friendship

This is actually a pet peeve of mine. Probably because I hear people say things like, “I’m good at telling people what to do. I’m basically a counselor,” or, “My friends always ask my advice. I pretty much do counseling.”  As a counselor educator (one who trains future counselors) and counselor in private practice, I need to clarify why this is inaccurate.

*Just because it's not a friendship doesn't mean there aren't high levels of care and camaraderie in the counseling office. We very much care for our clients and sometimes wish we could be friends outside of sessions! But we can't!!

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6 Myths About Counseling Every Client Needs to Know

6 Myths About Counseling Every Client Needs to Know

Your counselor can read your mind.
Ha! I wish. Seriously, can you imagine a counselor with telepathy? Best. Counselor. EVER. I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but it’s just not true. Counselors can’t read your mind. This is probably why you might think that, though

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I Feel Lost With Life... I Don't Know What To Do

I Feel Lost With Life... I Don't Know What To Do

Feeling untethered? Unsure about where to go next, what to do with your life, and what your future holds? (Technically, nobody knows what the future holds, but that doesn’t mean we should say ‘screw it’ and completely disconnect what control we do have in our life.)

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Why Am I So Anxious?!

Why Am I So Anxious?!

Anxiety is a tricky fiend. It’ll sneak up on you and snatch away your joy when you least expect it. Or it lies waiting all day, just biding its time until you lay down for bed and then it starts screaming in your ear about all the ways you’ve failed, all the things you have to do, all the horrific things that could happen, all the friends who probably don’t even like you, and all the failed attempts at life you’ve had so far.

EGADS, it’s exhausting.

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What's Wrong With Me?! Five Question to Ask Yourself...

What's Wrong With Me?! Five Question to Ask Yourself...

This is a blog post about those days or times where you feel way off from your normal self. Maybe you're slightly more irritable, or maybe you're just less satisfied overall, or maybe you find yourself wishing it was 8 pm so you could have that beer, or maybe you start to question all of your life choices that ever got you to this place you're in (not least of which includes work, relationship, kids, and location).

What I want you to do when/if you get in that place is to ask yourself these five questions. They're simple, really, but that doesn't mean they don't have a ridiculously impact on our mental health and overall well-being.

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