Change, Part 4 - The Inevitable Relapse (and Recovery from Relapse)
Tim Fitzpatrick Tim Fitzpatrick

Change, Part 4 - The Inevitable Relapse (and Recovery from Relapse)

Making positive changes to better yourself are great. Allowing yourself to utilize confidence and patience to implementing those changes are great as well. However, we are only human. We slip up at times and forget to utilize the skills that we have worked so hard to obtain. Don’t allow this minor slip up to consume you.

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Anxiety is the Devil

Anxiety is the Devil

Anxiety sucks. Period. 

People describe it as being stuck inside their own personal hell. And there's a lot of truth to that. It's an endless stream of thoughts about worst-case scenarios, what-ifs, past events where you may have said that one thing wrong, and 10 years in the future when xyz might happen. It's incessant.

And exhausting.

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