Clearing Up the Process: The Intake Session
You’ve done it! You have scheduled your first appointment. Now, what happens during that first session? Here’s a preview to help you gather why the session is the way it is. From the intake forms to the second you reschedule, we wanted to provide you with a little of what to expect.

Anxiety is the Devil
Anxiety sucks. Period.
People describe it as being stuck inside their own personal hell. And there's a lot of truth to that. It's an endless stream of thoughts about worst-case scenarios, what-ifs, past events where you may have said that one thing wrong, and 10 years in the future when xyz might happen. It's incessant.
And exhausting.

Signs You Could Benefit from Counseling
if you’ve been thinking about individual counseling or marriage counseling, but aren’t really sure if you need it, then this is the post for you. And I’m in the mood for short and sweet, so here we go!

What's Wrong With Me?! Five Question to Ask Yourself...
This is a blog post about those days or times where you feel way off from your normal self. Maybe you're slightly more irritable, or maybe you're just less satisfied overall, or maybe you find yourself wishing it was 8 pm so you could have that beer, or maybe you start to question all of your life choices that ever got you to this place you're in (not least of which includes work, relationship, kids, and location).
What I want you to do when/if you get in that place is to ask yourself these five questions. They're simple, really, but that doesn't mean they don't have a ridiculously impact on our mental health and overall well-being.